Wednesday, March 16, 2011

First Day Twist

Garde Manger, a French term meaning “Keep to eat” originated in pre-revolutionary France, which was a time when controlling stock in food was like controlling stock in petroleum.  Day 1 in Garde Manger class started as most new classes start, everyone comes in, finds their seat, maybe talk to a friend, and then the professor comes in and its syllabus time. Unfortunately this is just how every class starts; there is just no better way to talk about rules, dates, and expectations. But this was the first time where the “get to know you” game was a two-hour mystery box activity. Each team had to produce a buffet/banquet style platter featuring two proteins, one vegetable, one starch, and one sauce. Easy enough, even considering it was all to be served cold.  But then we learned that no dish could contain any gluten, dairy, or sugar. Most of us had a tad bit of trouble with our palette reprogram. It was really interesting as to how all the students solved the problem. Weather it was sauces without starches, or creamy with no dairy, it was interesting to see each one. At the end of the day however, the general feeling is that this will be a good class.

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