Thursday, August 4, 2011

A Good Day in Garde Manger

            Being the MOD is always a daunting task. For me it usually means going to bed late to finish my paper and ready my presentation, then rising way too early for the two hour drive to my morning class. Today was no different.
            Chef Anderson started class with a lecture on the importance of plate and platter presentation for buffets, the use of a grosse piece as a focal point and using different shapes and heights of hors d'œuvres and platters to enhance the visual flavor of the buffet.
            I gave my presentation on gelatin. While doing research for this topic, I was amazed at how much gelatin touches our daily lives.
            Gelatin has unique functional properties. It acts as a gel, emulsifier, stabilizer, thickener, texture enhancer and adhesive. Because it melts at body temperature it can replace the fat in many food products while providing a smooth, creamy taste in the mouth. It is used in everything from gummy bears, jelly beans, baked goods, low fat and low fat sugar products, margarines, canned hams, hot dogs and of course terrines, pates and jellies. Gelatin is the only natural protein used for commercial use. It is used in countless products from photography, shampoo, pharmaceutical products, sunscreen, paintballs, cosmetics, book and painting restoration and to clarify wines and juices, to name just a few.
            Our mystery basket proteins turned out to be sweetbreads, calves liver and frog legs. I think the lab tech was playing a sick joke on us.
            Sweetbreads need to be soaked in cold water for several hours or overnight to remove impurities and it also helps to firm them up. Unfortunately we didn’t have time to soak them long, so we just cleaned them up and poached them in a court bouillon. When they were done, we sliced them and sautéed them quickly in butter. They didn’t taste too bad but the texture was a bit gritty and mushy.     
            All in all, it was a good day in Garde Manger class today. My presentation went well and the class had the opportunity to work with unfamiliar ingredients. Chef Anderson treats us with respect and allows us to use our imagination and creativity, which has made this class a tremendous learning experience for me.

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